An event calender in your pocket

Meetups, fairs, workshops – exciting events happen all year round in the camping and vanlife community. You’ll find all the dates and details right in the app. You can see who’s interested in an event or planning to attend. This way, you can connect with other participants through the app beforehand and easily meet them on-site.


Campertreffen und Vantreffen im Eventkalender der Camp'n'Connect App

Soon, you’ll find an overview of the upcoming events here. In the meantime, feel free to check the app to see which events are coming up next…

An event is missing in the app?

Then simply fill out our event form and we will add the event to the event calendar in the app.

Submit event

Wall of Wildness 😉

Here you’ll find a few snapshots from amazing events, workshops and get-togethers.