Make your trip an adventure and get to know other campers, vanlifers and backpackers.

You enjoy beeing in good company and would like to connect with other campers in your area? Nothing easier than that! With the Camp'n'Connect App this is now possible!
Get the new social network for campers on your smartphone for free and find campers in your area for joint ventures, nice conversations and mutual help.



Find other campers in your area
and connect with them!

The Camp’n’Connect app offers you the easy way to find like-minded people in your area, to get to know each other, to exchange ideas, to help each other or simply to spend a great time together. Whether traveling or at home.

Drei Screenshots der Umgebungssuche in der Camp'n'Connect App

The vicinity search - find campers near you

The vicinity search is the heart of the app. Here you can choose the area in which you want to find like-minded people. You can use the various filters to narrow down the search results. For example, are you looking for someone to go hiking with you? Then check the box next to “Hiking” in the “Interests” filter.

Screenshot der Profilansicht in der Camp'n'Connect App

The profile - you decide what others see

Das Profil ist der erste Eindruck, den du von anderen Campern erhältst und den andere Nutzer auch von dir bekommen. Je mehr Informationen du angibst, desto genauer ist das Bild, das du anderen Nutzern von dir vermittelst und umso größer ist die Chance, Gleichgesinnte auf deiner Wellenlänge zu finden.

Screenshot des Community Feed in der Camp'n'Connect App

Der Feed – erreiche alle Camper in deiner Umgebung mit deinem Post

Mit einem Beitrag im Community-Feed kannst du Camper in deiner Umgebung auf dich und dein Anliegen aufmerksam machen. Poste hier zum Beispiel, wenn du dich mit anderen Campern verabreden möchtest, um etwas gemeinsam zu unternehmen, eine Reise zu planen oder wenn du Hilfe benötigst. Dein Beitrag ist für alle Nutzer in deiner Umgebung sichtbar.

Zwei Screenshots der Chat Funktion in der Camp'n'Connect App

The chat - organize spontaneous evenings around the campfire

Der Chat ist der Weg, um mit jemandem persönlich ins Gespräch zu kommen. Schreibe Campern, die du sympathisch findest eine Nachricht, um mit ihnen Kontakt aufzunehmen. So könnt ihr euch austauschen, kennenlernen und wenn ihr mögt auch eure Standorte senden.

Jetzt neu: Podcast

„Nachhaltig campen, bewusst connecten“ ist das Motto unseres Podcasts, den wir von Vanlust übernommen haben und mit spannenden neuen Inhalten weiterführen.

We are Bea and Timo from Camp‘n‘Connect

Wir haben eine Vison: Wir möchten, dass alle Camper eine einfache Möglichkeit haben, sich mit anderen Campern in der Umgebung zu vernetzen – egal wo sie sich gerade befinden. Mit der Camp‘n‘Connect App ist das jetzt möglich.

Check out our video >>


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Pfeil nach unten

With just one click

Find cool people on your wavelength with one click, whether on the campsite, at the nearest lake or in the mountains.

There for each other -
help, when you need it

Campers help campers. Do you have a breakdown or could you use help with expanding your camper? Here you are sure to find someone close to you who will support you.

Everything at a glance

Are you unsure whether your camp neighbor would even like to have company? You are sure to find out with the Camp’n’Connect app.

Excursion destinations,
tips and trends from the area

Are you looking for tips for excursion destinations, beautiful spots or parking spaces in your area? Exchange ideas with other campers in your area via Camp‘n‘Connect.

Never be alone again

Don't feel like hiking or surfing alone?
With Camp'n’Connect you will find the right buddy.

Your safety
is important to us

And if you don't feel like having company, you can easily hide your profile. By the way, your location is never visible to other users!



Hey, I'm Bea and I’m the one who came up with the basic idea for the Camp’n’Connect app. I love being on the road in Europe with my VW Bus “Kuddel” and my friend Timo, discovering new places, exploring different countries and experiencing nature. 

I got the idea for the Camp'n’Connect app when I was alone in Norway on my first trip in a VW bus. Although there were many other campers there, it was difficult for me to make contacts. On the one hand, there was often simply no chance to talk to other campers, to exchange ideas and to get to know each other, because you drive past each other on your route but stop at different places. 

On the other hand, at campsites I was unsure which of my camp neighbors were on my wavelength and who was interested in contact with other campers. I thought it would be the same for others, so I looked for a “camper get to know app”, but couldn't find a suitable one. So I spent most of the evenings alone, even though I would have liked to have company.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. Timo, who has also loved independent travel and camping since childhood, quickly became infected with the enthusiasm. Together we then developed the concept for the app and are now on the most exciting journey of our lives to date, in the middle of the unknown land of self-employment.